Effectiveness of the Principle of Confidentiality in Media Outlets in Encarnación, January-July 2023
Children's Rights, Media Outlets, Socially Disadvantaged Children, Mass Media, ViolenceAbstract
This research focuses on the effectiveness of the confidentiality principle in the media of Encarnación during the period from January to July 2023. The general objective was to determine the compliance with Article 29 of the Code of Children and Adolescents by the media of Encarnación, which were monitored during this period. The regulation was updated by Law No. 6083 on June 8, 2018. The specific objectives were: to investigate the knowledge of the prohibition by the media, to determine the vulnerability of the rights of children and adolescents, and to analyze the role of legal operators in relation to Article 29 of the CNA. The research, of exploratory-descriptive type with a mixed approach, took as a sample 43 publications in which children and/or adolescents appeared, and eight operators of the system were interviewed. The results showed that some media do not comply with Article 29 of the CNA, disclosing data about minors against the confidentiality principle. The interviewees agreed that there is a vulnerability in the rights of children and adolescents regarding the compliance with this prohibitive provision. It is concluded that most media do not comply with Article 29 and that there is a lack of protective measures by the National Protection System for Children and Adolescents. The need to raise awareness among media managers, families, and society is emphasized.
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