Formation of the Human Rights Seedbed and research on memory, truth and justice


  • Maximiliano Mendieta Miranda Universidad Americana
  • Jessica Colmán Universidad Americana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
  • Elías Barrios Universidad Americana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
  • Alina Parra Universidad Americana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
  • Hugo Cicciolli Universidad Americana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas
  • Adorno Adorno Universidad Americana, Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Sociales y Políticas


Dictatorship; Alfredo Stroessner; Political opponents; Human Rights; Paraguay; Semillero de Derechos Humanos; Universidad Americana


This article covers two aspects that are divided into the formation of the Human Rights Seedbed of the Faculty of Law of the American University (Semillero), as well as in the decision and execution of starting a research project after the visits of two museums: Museum of Memories and Museum of Justice, both related to human rights violations during the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner. In this context, this work describes the research work that has been carried out regarding the description, fundamentally, of the persecution and deprivation of liberty of public opponents during this period, mainly, through the information found in the Museum of Justice. The decision to carry out this challenge has strengthened not only the participation of students as researchers but also the importance of memory, truth and justice as fundamental elements of Democracy in terms of academic awareness.


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Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. (2019). Principios sobre políticas públicas de Memoria en las Américas, Organización de los Estados Americanos. Recuperado de

Corte Suprema de Justicia. (s.f.). Museo de la Justicia, Centro de Documentación y Archivo para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos. Recuperado de

Última Hora. (2018). Memoria de la dictadura. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Mendieta Miranda, M., Colmán, J., Barrios, E. ., Parra, A., Cicciolli, H., & Adorno, A. (2020). Formation of the Human Rights Seedbed and research on memory, truth and justice. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 7(2), 106–111. Retrieved from