The popular initiative as a tool of participatory democracy in Paraguay in the years 1989-2018


  • Liry Aranda Vázquez Universidad Americana, Facultad de Postgrado Maestría en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública
  • Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez Chaves Universidad Americana, Centro de Investigación


Democracy; participatory democracy; popular initiative; citizen participation; Paraguay


This research work develops one of the most important pillars of democracy, which is participatory democracy. Of course without neglecting the other pillars on which Paraguayan democracy is based, such as representative and pluralist democracy. In this context, the figure of the Popular Initiative plays a leading role in citizen participation by allowing organized citizens to propose bills that arise from the authentic need of themselves. To do this, citizen participation is analyzed from its dawn in the history of civilization, and a tour of the various Constitutions of the Republic of Paraguay to reach what is now established in the Magna Carta of 1992, as an achievement important consecration, but not yet effective implementation and realization. In addition to a comparison in some Latin American countries in the effort to check to improve Paraguayan legislation in the matter. The work is emphasized in Article 123 of the National Constitution and in the deepening of analysis and criticism of each of the provisions of the Regulatory Law of the Popular Initiative as is Law 834/96 Paraguayan Electoral Code. We analyze citizen experiences of participation in its various forms, and the still no experience of Popular Initiatives converted into law, precisely because they do not find the appropriate scenario, legislatively and culturally speaking, because of the bureaucratic and costly nature of this system. Therefore, we propose some recommendations that can enable the effective use of this tool of democracy.


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How to Cite

Aranda Vázquez, L., & Jiménez Chaves, V. E. . (2020). The popular initiative as a tool of participatory democracy in Paraguay in the years 1989-2018. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 7(2), 61–70. Retrieved from