Analysis of the optimization of the electronic low auction as a bidding modality for purchases in the Paraguayan State, 2018


  • Gloria Núñez de Escobar Universidad Americana, Facultad de Postgrado Maestría en Gobierno y Gerencia Pública
  • Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez Chaves Universidad Americana, Centro de Investigación


Baja Electronic Auction; public purchase; process; Paraguay


The Auction to the Low Electronics (SBE) is a purchase procedure used since 2008 by the Contracting Units of the different entities of the State in order to save time and money, and at the same time ensure the transparency of the processes through a public and accessible computer system. This investigation was based on the general purpose of analyzing and verifying that the Auction to the Low Electronics can be constituted in a modality of more effective Purchase for the Paraguayan State from which it is granted characteristics that allow to optimize its nature. It is an evaluative, qualitative, quantitative, descriptive investigation of non-experimental transactional design. The most outstanding results show that the criterion with greater weight to opt for SBE, over and above the traditional procedure, are: that the purchase be made at a lower cost, that the purchase has been made quickly and that the procedure of SBE is regulated from its operational aspect as any Public Law procedure. It is concluded that its optimization is necessary from some modifications that must be included to ensure that the SBE modality contributes positively and increases its use in the Purchases of Paraguayan State.


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How to Cite

Núñez de Escobar, G. ., & Jiménez Chaves, V. E. . (2020). Analysis of the optimization of the electronic low auction as a bidding modality for purchases in the Paraguayan State, 2018. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 7(2), 71–80. Retrieved from