Update of CONATEL Strategic Objectives and organizational restructuring Plan



National Development Plan 2030; CONATEL; Strategic objectives; Paraguay


The objective of this work is to demonstrate how the update of Strategic Objectives of CONATEL will require an Organizational Restructuring Plan for its compliance. Strategic objectives are the

way to compliance the mission of an organization. The correct definition of these objectives will be key when evaluating the necessary structure for their compliance. The National Development Plan 2030 from now PND 2030, this plan is a mandatory compliance guide for the public sector The PND 2030 has three main strategic axes as its structure: Poverty reduction and social development, Inclusive economic growth, and Proper insertion of Paraguay in the world. Each strategic axis will incorporate four transversal lines: Equal opportunities, Efficient and transparent public management, Territorial planning and development, and Environmental sustainability. CONATEL must update its institutional strategic objectives and align them with the axes of the PND 2030.After the detailed analysis of the information collected and analyzed, it is concluded that the current structure of CONATEL is not adequate for the fulfillment of the institutional mission and vision. The number of officials and positions contemplated in its organization chart results in a great concentration of positions in the support areas with 59%, 38% for the mission areas and 3% for the strategic areas. When the strategic objectives are updated, the organizational structure must be updated, the positions and responsibilities must be redistributed for the fulfillment of the new objectives aligned with the strategic axes of the Paraguay 2030 PND.


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How to Cite

Candia, . C., & Jiménez Chaves, V. E. . (2020). Update of CONATEL Strategic Objectives and organizational restructuring Plan. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 8(1), 27–34. Retrieved from https://revistacientifica.uamericana.edu.py/index.php/revistajuridicaua/article/view/490



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