Transition to the restorative model of the adolescent penal system

involvement and applicability



Adolescent; Legislation; System; Paraguay


The purpose of this investigation is to analyze the various edges of the Restorative Model within Juvenile Criminal Justice. Such an approach is necessary due to the importance of knowing the institute within the lawyer's legal practice. This task was accomplished through bibliographic review and personal understanding of the figure studied. The analysis seeks to clarify doubts regarding the subject of study and its insertion in Paraguayan legislation. With the inclusion of a restorative model, what is sought is to compensate the damage caused by the offender, emphasizing the needs of the author, the victim and society, not only in sanction, but also restoring harmony in society.


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How to Cite

Villalba Bogado, L. G., & Morel Martinez, A. . (2021). Transition to the restorative model of the adolescent penal system: involvement and applicability. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 8(2), 101–108. Retrieved from



Scientific Notes