Influence of the intellectual property regulations on the solution of environmental problems in the European Union and around the world



Climate change, global warming, blockchain, international data exchange, intellectual property


Limits on the protection of intellectual property (IP) rights are a subject of extensive debate. The continued
extension of copyright protection, which in some jurisdictions (E.g. Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Cot d’Ivoire) lasts for 75 years or more after the death of the author, and where the beneficiaries are not the authors but probably the third generation of heirs, is widely criticized. The following article studies cases in which laws and regulations on intellectual property can be considered as potential impediments to the international exchange of climate data and, therefore, to international cooperation in the quest to solve ecological and climate problems through world level. Due to rapid development of science and the extensive use of advanced technologies such as blockchain or artificial intelligence for the collection and processing of climate data, free and legal access to information has become a necessary condition for solving environmental problems. This becomes the main battlefield, where the private interests of database manufacturers and the public interest of the scientific and ecological community come into conflict.


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How to Cite

Troitskiy, V. (2022). Influence of the intellectual property regulations on the solution of environmental problems in the European Union and around the world. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 9(2), 71–80. Retrieved from



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