Treaties in the Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay



International instruments, Constitutional law, International law, Treaties, Paraguay


Treaties in the Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay are analyzed in their process of incorporation into the national legal system, from the International Law perspective, with a bibliographic methodology and predominance of the hermeneutic method. The results offer a definition of treaty based on its legal nature, determine the constituent elements necessary of a treaty to produce legal effects of constitutional rank and identify these legal effects, including those developed by jurisprudence, as well as some limitations of the Paraguayan constitutional text. The research concludes that International Law can contribute to defining the scope of the legal effects of the incorporation of treaties into the Paraguayan legal system and to elucidating the legal problems posed by the apparent limitations of the constitutional text. However, while by reason of their legal nature all treaties will produce the legal effects attributed by International Law, only those that meet all the elements prescribed in the Constitution will produce the legal effects of constitutional rank in domestic law, including those established jurisprudentially. Research also proposes possible ways of overcoming the limitations of the constitutional text, based on the International Law doctrine.


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Author Biography

Enrique José María Carrillo Gómez, Universidad Americana

Docente investigador de la carrera de Relaciones Internacionales. Asunción, Paraguay


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How to Cite

Carrillo Gómez, E. J. M. (2022). Treaties in the Constitution of the Republic of Paraguay. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 9(2), 121–140. Retrieved from