The legal regime of the drone registry: legal certainty



Registration, drones, resolution


The research work carried out has as a specific topic and objective to study the registration of drones in the Republic of Paraguay, the situation was precisely analyzed, making use of the doctrine, as well as an interpretation of the regulations that are in force. It was also verified on the different situations that may arise,
considering the usefulness and functions that these unmanned aerial vehicles have in order to determine
the effects of registering drones; and, also, we proceeded to examine what is the legal regime that precisely regulates said registration, considering the civil and criminal norms, based on responsibility and damage, since it is a very modern type of registration. The registration principles are addressed, so that it can be framed for the registration of drones, since the radical importance of the registration act is considered,
managing to fully guarantee legal security, which is configured as a fundamental need for man in society.
The methodological process used is that of the bibliographic review, of a descriptive type. It is conclusively highlighted that the effects and consequences produced by registration are of high legal-social value, for which it is urged to promote greater legislation in this regard, emphasizing the responsibilities of the institution in charge of its control, through the stricter application of the requirements to operate such unmanned aerial vehicles.


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How to Cite

Salinas González, C. A. M. (2022). The legal regime of the drone registry: legal certainty. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 9(2), 99–112. Retrieved from