Reflections on the importance of compliance in the Paraguayan public sector




This research analyzes the importance of compliance and the relevance of expanding it to the public sector to positively influence aspects related to transparency and anti-corruption within the Paraguayan State. The methodology used is of a qualitative empirical type, since the research is based on data collection, interview as a strategy and content analysis as a technique. Likewise, a description of comparative law is made and contrasted with the Paraguayan reality to finally present interesting contributions as to the path that Paraguay could follow in this matter. As a result, it is shown that it is possible to include compliance in the public sector and thus achieve a more active participation of the State in the fight against corruption and corporate crime.


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How to Cite

Villagra, T. (2023). Reflections on the importance of compliance in the Paraguayan public sector. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 10(2), 89–98.



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