The nullity of the illicit adjudications of state lands of the agrarian reform in Paraguay: jurisprudential advance



Annulments, adjudications of state lands, Agricultural law, Agrarian Reform, , Jurisprudence


This article describes the change that has occurred in national jurisprudence regarding the assessment of annulments that affect the illegal adjudication of state lands destined for agrarian reform, carried out by the agency for the application of the Agrarian Statute during the stronista dictatorial regime. (1954-1989). A descriptive investigation was carried out, with a qualitative approach, the research technique was documentary analysis from primary and secondary sources. The analysis evidenced the progress made in jurisprudential matters, regarding the interpretation and application of civil and agrarian norms in the claims for annulment promoted by the Attorney General's Office regarding irregular land adjudications of the agrarian reform; In particular, the progress that the agrarian reform law represents for the effectiveness of what was resolved in Interlocutory Order No. 340 of April 2, 2019, issued by the Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.


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How to Cite

Pereira Fukuoka, M. (2023). The nullity of the illicit adjudications of state lands of the agrarian reform in Paraguay: jurisprudential advance. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 10(1), 31–45. Retrieved from



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