Contractual civil law and its principles: analysis of the international scope




Contracts, Principles, Norm, Law


This research work is mainly about the principles that are part of contract law, specifically of the civil and commercial branch of legal sciences, paying special attention to the international scope of these guiding ideas, through the so-called UNIDROIT principles. In this sense, the main thing lies in establishing the scope of contractual principles in the formalization of legal transactions. Likewise, it proceeds to identify the effects of the guiding ideas in the Paraguayan legal system and also examines the application of international principles in terms of contracts. The methodological process used is that of the bibliographic review, with a qualitative approach of non-experimental and transectional descriptive scope. As a starting point, the contracts regulated in Paraguayan legislation are delimited, later the content and scope of the contractual principles are reviewed. Next, an approach to the contractual area of the international guiding ideas is given; also covering what concerns UNIDROIT. As a conclusion, it ends by highlighting the relevance of the guiding ideas in terms of contractual civil law, and, likewise, specifying the scope of the UNIDROIT principles in regards to the international arena.


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How to Cite

Salinas González, C. A. M., & Cáceres Ruiz Díaz, L. L. (2023). Contractual civil law and its principles: analysis of the international scope. Revista Jurídica De La Universidad Americana, 10(2), 123–134.