Political vision of the colorada press during the government of Rafael Franco
Paraguay, red press, government of Rafael FrancoAbstract
The revolution of February 1936 led to the fall of the liberal government of Eusebio Ayala; Faced with that defenestration, the Colorado Party pinned its hopes on the new national authorities to return to power after 32 years. With the aim of demonstrating the characteristics of the partisan press in the desire to have political power, the case of the red press in 1936 is analyzed, when its printed media made different assessments when it was in circulation during the government of Colonel Rafael Franco. To do this, a documentary analysis is used using articles from diario Patria and revista Guarania, journalistic organizations whose writer was the Colorado thinker Natalicio González, where they developed campaigns for or against the government according to the measures adopted. It is concluded that the initial support of the red press ended when it had no possibility of being part of power, showing that the expectations of a political sector regarding a new established order are favorable at the beginning; in the hope of reaching government spaces, but when they are excluded they criticize using their media, generating the reaction of the government, which ends up closing them.
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