School virtues perceived by Ecuadorian students and teachers: differences according to sex, establishment and roles
Perceived virtuousness; school organizations; positive organizational scholarshipAbstract
The objective of the study was to evaluate the perceived virtuousness in school organizations and the differences according type of school (fiscal, municipal); sex (woman, man) and role (students, teachers). This is an instrumental study based on the analysis of the factorial structure and the reliability of a questionnaire to evaluate virtues in schools (VPOE); and, a transversal descriptive study that analyzed differences according sex, role and type of school organizations in relation to perceived virtues. The study sample were 550 students (49.28% women) and 105 teachers (47.62% women). The factor analysis determined a four-factor model that explains 47.49% of the variance. The questionnaire showed adequate indicators of reliability. The multivariate analysis showed significant differences in favor of women (λ = 0.96; F (5,643) = 5.49; p < .01; η2p = 0.04), fiscal establishments (λ = 0.98; F (5,643) = 3.07; p < ,01; η2p = 0.02) and teachers (λ = 0.92; F (5,643) = 5.493; p < 0.010; η2p = 0.08) in relation to the dimensions of the VPOE. In this way, there is a brief instrument with adequate psychometric properties for the measurement of PVSO in Ecuadorian contexts. Significant differences were identified according the analyzed groups.
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