The learning of Social Sciences from a contextual didactic perspective



Learning model, didactic, contextual, competencies, social sciences


The reports of census evaluations in Peru, annual progress reports, observation sheets of teaching practices; demonstrate the low levels of performance in achieving results in the skills of the field of social sciences in secondary school. The antecedents and the consulted theory provide subjective theoretical perspectives to achieve learning; perceiving the antinomy between practice and teaching theory in the classroom. Emerging the need to configure an innovative and updated proposals, the main objective of the research was to design and apply a learning model with a contextual didactic perspective. It responds to a quantitative analysis approach, experimental research applied to a sample of 40 students in the 2nd year of secondary education, evaluated using a questionnaire with contextualized teaching perspectives. The significance of the results allows us to conclude that by applying the model it is possible to advance in the levels of performance for the development of competences in the social sciences as an academic area of ​​the secondary level. Likewise, it was evidenced that it contributes concretely to the academic and didactic capacities of teachers, strengthens teaching, motivates and enables the learning process and the development of the fundamental skills of the apprentice.


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How to Cite

Guevara Bustamante, E. ., & Moreno Muro, J. P. (2021). The learning of Social Sciences from a contextual didactic perspective. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 88–100. Retrieved from



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