Impulsivity and self efficacy in automobile drivers of Buenos Aires



Automobile driving; self efficacy; impulsivity


The purpose of this research work has been to evaluate Self-efficacy in driving, Impulsivity, and the relationship between both variables in Buenos Aires automobile drivers. Additionally, differences in the constructs were investigated according to sociodemographic variables - sex, age, educational level - and vial variables -number of claims and infractions- in the sample evaluated. The type of study carried out was non-experimental, descriptive-correlational, of differences between groups, and cross-sectional. Data was collected through simple non-probability sampling. 119 drivers participated (64.7% women and 35.3% men), residents of Buenos Aires, between 19 and 76 years old (M = 43.18; SD = 14.21). Locally adapted versions of the Self-Efficacy Scale for Driving and the Urgency, Sensation Search and Impulsiveness Questionnaire were administered, as well as a sociodemographic and road data survey. The results indicate a direct and significant association between Self-efficacy for driving and Search for Sensations, as well as the existence of significant differences according to sex, age, and educational level in the levels of Self-efficacy and Impulsivity.


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How to Cite

Brenlla, M. E., & Fernandez, R. (2020). Impulsivity and self efficacy in automobile drivers of Buenos Aires. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 7(2), 148–156. Retrieved from



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