Procedure for analyzing employee turnover



labour mobility, human resources, employment planning, personnel management, knowledge management


Currently, Human Resources Management shows, without losing the essence of traditional approaches, an increasingly marked orientation towards knowledge and its management. Given the dynamism and complexity of the external environment, organizations have been forced to design human capital processes to act proactively in the face of change. One of the risks to which companies are always exposed is the personnel or employee turnover, a condition that compromises productivity and care against knowledge management. In this sense, the present work aims to design a procedure to contribute to the analysis of staff turnover with an optics towards knowledge management. To achieve this purpose, the causes of the turnover, its effects, among other elements, as well as the mathematical expressions for its determination are investigated until reaching a flexible and easily applied proposal that provides those who develop it with the tools that make it possible deeper study.


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How to Cite

Zaballa Gomaríz, P. E., El Assafiri Ojeda, Y., Medina Nogueira, Y. E., Nogueira Rivera, D., & Medina León, A. (2021). Procedure for analyzing employee turnover. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 29–41. Retrieved from



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