Producing and socializing agents of the field on the studies of community development in Latin America



Fields Theory, community development, scientific field, scientific capital, Latin America


The scientific field of social studies on community development in Latin America is in a constant process of change and contradiction. The objective of the study was to identify the agents that have the greatest capital of scientific production and the greatest capital of authority within the scientific field of social studies about community development in Latin America. The study was classified as descriptive and longitudinal - retrospective. To obtain results, methods were used at the theoretical and empirical levels, mainly the bibliometric method. The main agents with the greatest capital of authority and scientific production were identified. Collaborative relationships were established between the subjects that structure the field and the invisible school with the greatest impact was visualized within community studies in Latin America. The main conclusions were obtained within the agents with the greatest capital of scientific production, foreign members of the region stand out. The field is poorly consolidated, a visible aspect from scientific collaboration. Only three authors had a recognized capital of authority. A relatively strong invisible school was identified whose dominance of the school was eminently Cuban, and the intellectual productions were socialized in the journal Pastos y Forrajes.


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How to Cite

Paz Enrique, L. E., & Núñez Jover, J. (2021). Producing and socializing agents of the field on the studies of community development in Latin America. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 42–54. Retrieved from



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