Attitudes towards scientific research and statistics in Psychology students
attitudes, research, statistics, psychology studentsAbstract
Current university education places special emphasis on developing skills for scientific research and mastering statistics. However, despite their importance, courses in research methodology and statistics are often the most difficult and least preferred for many students. For this reason, the principal aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between attitudes towards scientific research and statistics in psychology students from a private university in Metropolitan Lima. A simple correlational non-experimental design was used. One hundred psychology students enrolled in an introductory statistics course participated (M = 21.41, SD = 4.20), who answered self-report instruments. The results showed that psychology students have favorable attitudes towards scientific research and statistics. In addition, there are certain differences in the levels of these attitudes according to previous experience in courses in research methodology and statistics. Finally, both variables correlate positively and significantly (r = .482; p < .01). It is concluded that there is an important association between attitudes towards scientific research and statistics in psychology students.
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