Characteristics of the design of the most efficient instrument in the assessment of learning



Quality of education, ability, learning, evaluation method


This study describes the characteristics of the instrument design that offers greater efficiency in the evaluation of learning, particularly in the Nursing Career, of the Technical University of Marketing and Development. The methodological approach corresponds to a descriptive study and under a mixed multimodal design (derivative DEXPLOS). To collect the data, the use of an interview applied to 10 teachers and a questionnaire to 70 students, who were exposed to the evaluation system, was considered. Teachers' experiences show that evaluation is carried out in a traditional way. From the learners' experience, learning is obtained through continuous strategic evaluation. The characteristics of the instrument design that offer greater efficiency in the evaluation of learning are based on a good communication of the evaluation objectives, a perfect concordance between a curricular approach, the program, the teaching-learning process and the strategies evaluation; thus, the instrument design serves as a learning tool for the student and as a corroboration of the quality of the teaching-learning processes. They are not given in the evaluation by the teachers.


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How to Cite

Aquino Walko, L. (2022). Characteristics of the design of the most efficient instrument in the assessment of learning. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 9(1), 1–10. Retrieved from