Equality and freedom in the state by Rousseau: perceptions today



Teacher, perception, freedom, interview, investigation


The purpose of this research was to analyze the perceptions of Peruvian teachers regarding freedom in man and equality in the State, based on the reading of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's "The Social Contract". The information was collected through the application of in-depth interviews, applied on the basis of a semi-structured guide made up of 15 basic questions, which was contrasted with the information collected, selected and organized as a result of the bibliographic review.  The research instrument was validated by an expert, who gave his verdict. The analysis of the findings allowed us to reach the conclusion that there is no equality in the state or freedom at present, but it does appear in Rousseau's work as something innate and that is taken away from us to achieve harmony in the community. According to the results obtained, it stands out that the interviewees present a similarity in their answers, when it is their turn to give their opinion on freedom and equality.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Chuzón , M. E. ., Torres Tineo , J. M. ., Jiménez Saucedo , D. ., Huari Sullani , F. ., & Centurión Larrea , Ángel J. . (2022). Equality and freedom in the state by Rousseau: perceptions today. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 9(1), 53–61. Retrieved from https://revistacientifica.uamericana.edu.py/index.php/academo/article/view/594