Cognitive-behavioral intervention for a high degree of discomfort before work activities: a case study



Case study N = 1, cognitive behavioral treatment, radical acceptance, anxiety, tolerance to discomfort and relaxation training


A case study N = 1 of a 38-year-old adult with a high degree of discomfort when faced with certain work activities is presented. Based on the results, a tailor-made intervention plan is designed with scientific evidence aimed at tolerating and reducing the discomfort that anxiety symptoms present. To prepare this proposal, an evaluation and diagnosis is carried out using the Irrational Ideas Questionnaire (Ellis, 1980), the Attitudes and Beliefs Scale (Lega, Caballo and Ellis, 1997), the Automatic Thought Inventory (Ruiz and Luján , 1991), self-registration of thoughts, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) (Cohen, Kamarck and Mermelstein, 1983), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (Baessler and Schwarcer, 1996), the STAI State-Trait Self-Assessment Questionnaire (Spielberger , 1973) and the Derogatis Symptom Inventory-Revised. The SCL-90-R (Derogatis, Lipman y Covi, 1973). A treatment is proposed that includes training in the skills of tolerance to discomfort, radical acceptance, anxiety and relaxation training.


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How to Cite

Méndez, N. (2022). Cognitive-behavioral intervention for a high degree of discomfort before work activities: a case study. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(1), 30–46. Retrieved from



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