The analytics of learning and the expectations of university students



learning analytics,, higher education, university students, school performance.


Learning analytics involves the collection of educational data that higher education institutions can implement into support services to aid student learning. Despite its relevance, research on this topic is still very scarce, the truth is that more and more educational institutions are interested in learning more about this trend and its scope. The purpose of this article was to measure the expectations of the students of the learning analytics services through a descriptive instrument with a Likert-type scale that estimates 12 expectations related to ethics and privacy as well as the characteristics of the service; A sample of 675 undergraduate and master's level students from a University in Mexico was taken. The results revealed that there is an acceptance of learning analytics services where women value it more than men, as well as areas of opportunity that allow the higher education institution to adapt these expectations in the implementation and development of his politics of learning analytics.


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How to Cite

Pedraza Sánchez, E. Y. (2022). The analytics of learning and the expectations of university students. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 9(2), 151–164. Retrieved from



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