Educational sovereignty in a regional contexto. Primary education in Paraguay during the Francista period



Education, Comparative education, XIX century, Paraguay, Río de la Plata


The main objective is to analyze the educational model implemented in Paraguay during the government of Dr. Francia in the regional context during the first half of the s. XIX; it becomes from this objective to expose about the educational model of the government of Dr. France; describe the educational systems in the region; compare and contrast the educational model implemented during the government of Dr. France in the regional context and determine the importance of historical review and documentary analysis in the History of Education. The type of research corresponds to historical research, with a critical approach and levels of work that go from description to comparative explanation. The design is bibliographic/documentary and qualitative. Dr. José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia faced from the government the challenge of consolidating the genesis of a new nation and the progressive educational policy achieved the development of the first model of free and compulsory primary education in the region. The data compared at the regional level confirm the legitimacy of this statement. The documentary sources subjected to new analyzes collaborate in the process of reinterpretation of this topic that, to date, continues to be debated in academic circles with diverse and opposing positions.


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Author Biography

María Viviana Paglialunga de Watzlawik, Universidad Nacional de Pilar, Facultad de Ciencias, Tecnologías y Artes. Pilar, Paraguay

Born in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires and living in Paraguay since 1991, she completed her university studies in Paraguay, obtaining the titles of Bachelor of Education; Degree in Didactics of Social Sciences and Master in Education, . Since 1998 and uninterruptedly, she has worked as a professor of History and Geography for Basic School Education and Secondary Education; and also in university teaching since 2006. From 2011 to the present she is Professor of History and Geography at the Goethe Schule in Asunción. In 2013, she began her activities as a Research Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, Technology and Arts of the National University of Pilar until today. As a researcher, she published numerous books and scientific articles. It also has numerous participations in national congresses. At an international level, he represented the UNP with various papers in the line of Research on the History of Education in Paraguay in the 19th century: Buenos Aires 2015, Madrid 2017, Matto Grosso do Sul 2018; Galicia 2019 and Buenos Aires 2021. As coordinator and advisor, she developed and executed curricular design projects and history seminars. It also has the preparation of educational and school texts on the history of Paraguay for both public and private entities.


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How to Cite

Paglialunga de Watzlawik, M. V. (2022). Educational sovereignty in a regional contexto. Primary education in Paraguay during the Francista period. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(1), 75–87. Retrieved from



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