Job skills and the relaxation effect: impact on project delays in transport and logistics companies



Industrial management, job skills, project delays, planning


This paper analyzes the behavior of variable job skills in industrial projects that cause delays and, consequently, economic losses due to the inability to deploy elements or services efficiently. This delay established as a relaxation effect is generated by the low intensity of work of the collaborator as a result of his attitude, as established by Valero (2001), which generates the extension of the planned time periods. A relational-descriptive and explanatory investigation was carried out, considering a population of 40 workers of the company Swanberg Brothers - Bolivia, whose objective was to establish the degree of relationship of labor competencies with the delays generated by the relaxation effect in the projects. transportation and logistics in the oil industry; To determine this relationship, an 8-variable survey adapted from the author Martha Alles was obtained. The results showed that the workers appeared in most of the labor competence variables deficient qualifications, also that 80 % of the workers presented a high tendency to present this effect. The relationship between Labor Competences/Relaxation Effect is established, which is inversely proportional, that is, the greater the labor competence, the lower the effect, which translates into less delay on the part of the worker in the performance of his functions.


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How to Cite

Villanueva Campos, O. A., & Vela León, F. E. (2022). Job skills and the relaxation effect: impact on project delays in transport and logistics companies. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(1), 60–74. Retrieved from



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