Study of programs aimed at promoting business innovation in Paraguay and Uruguay. An analysis from the perspective of Schumpeter's theory



policy instruments, innovation incentives, Schumpeter's theory, Business innovation


Strengthening research, development, and innovation capabilities are key elements for boosting a country's development and growth. This article aims to carry out a case analysis comparing programs aimed at business innovation implemented by the National Council for Science, Technology, and Innovation (CONACYT) and the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII). The methodology applied was of a documentary bibliographic nature, for which a literature review was carried out to provide theoretical support, followed by the interpretation and analysis of the evaluation reports of the programs implemented in both countries. The results indicate thatthe programs carried out by ANII are mainly aimed at expanding companies' internal knowledge and skills and incorporating new technologies in production processes. Meanwhile, in CONACYT, efforts were aimed at addressing the need for more technological materials and trained personnel, thus achieving important changes. It is concluded that the innovation instruments presented a positive balance in both cases. However, it also reveals the importance of public financing to generate changes in the behavior of companies, thus promoting creative destruction.


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How to Cite

Olmedo-Barchello, S., & García, M. (2023). Study of programs aimed at promoting business innovation in Paraguay and Uruguay. An analysis from the perspective of Schumpeter’s theory. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(2), 256–264. Retrieved from



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