Optimism and academic self-efficacy in university students from Metropolitan Lima in a virtual education context
Optimism, academic self-efficacy, university students, virtual educationAbstract
The main objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between optimism and academic self-efficacy in university students in Metropolitan Lima in the context of virtual education. A non-experimental study with a correlational and comparative design was used, with a sample of 361 students of both sexes, over 18 years of age, from Metropolitan Lima. The results showed that both study variables were significantly related, and it was also found that male students had higher academic self-efficacy scores than female students. In addition, it was found that adult students (25 to 43 years of age) had higher academic self-efficacy scores than younger students (18 to 24 years of age). It is concluded that optimism is associated with academic self-efficacy and that there is a significant difference at the level of sex and age in university students in Metropolitan Lima.
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