The revocation of mandate process as a source of electoral innovation



Recall, electoral innovation, participatory democracy


Mexican democracy is transitioning from a representative model to a participatory one. Distrust in traditional representative institutions (political parties, governments, government institutions), combined with President López Obrador's political agenda, has caused an increase in citizen interest in participating in elections that amplify their voice in public decisions. One of them is the recall of mandate held on April 10, 2022. However, behind it, there has been an institutional deployment by the National Electoral Institute (INE), which has faced significant budget cuts, as well as the direct affront of government officials in office, with the aim of confronting the electoral administrative authority. With both fronts open, the INE has tended to deploy an innovative technological device to optimize resources and ensure the celebration of the participatory day. The objective of this work is to analyze

and explain the electoral innovation processes carried out during the organization and celebration of the first experience of a recall of mandate in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Carrera Barroso, J. A. (2023). The revocation of mandate process as a source of electoral innovation. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(2), 181–194. Retrieved from



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