Situation of FONAMYPE and its potential as an instrument for Paraguay's development



Paraguay, Small enterprises, Public expenditure, State budget, Economic policy


The micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) sector represents 98% of the business structure in Paraguay, which demonstrates the scope and impact it represents for the social and
economic development of the country. In this line, in 2012 Law No. 4457 "For Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)" was enacted, said provision establishes the basic and annual budget
that should be allocated to the sector, going on to constitute the fund called FONAMYPE. The objective of this work is to be able to quantify the resources allocated according to the legislation in force since its enactment, in that sense, the methodology applied is to analyze the allocation and execution of the General Budget of the
Nation until 2022, for the governing body of the MSMEs which is the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and within this specifically, When comparing what is established in the legal provision with respect to what is effectively allocated and executed, it is evident that compliance represents an average of 7.33% during this period of time with respect to the total established in the current legal regulations. Given the importance of the sector for the national economy, it is essential to strengthen public policies and effective investment in MSMEs


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Author Biographies

Juan Antonio Paredes Romero, Universidad Americana. Asunción, Paraguay

Economist from the Universidad Nacional de Asuncion, Post Graduate of the SME Development Policy Program of JICA (HIC - Japan) and of the Worshop of Local Characteristic Industries of the ICDF (Taiwan). Diploma in Innovation and Technology Management for Enterprises (DGITE) by the Universidad Americana and CONACYT, is the first graduate of Paraguay in the Certification Program for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Ecosystem Developers PRODEM - IDB.

General Director of Information and Internationalization at the Vice-Ministry of MSMEs of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Paraguay, where he previously fulfilled other managerial functions. In the private sector with experience as a consultant in the design and implementation of organization and methods, business plans, economic-financial data analysis and project follow-up.

Researcher in topics related to MSMEs and entrepreneurship. Instructor and teacher in public and private universities.

Founding member of the Innovation Economy Network of Paraguay - REIP (2021) and Ad-Honorem Public Policy Focal Point of the Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) Paraguay (since 2020) and was the first Technical Secretary of the National Network of Entrepreneurship - Red PyEmprende (2020 - 2021).

Katherin Andrea Arrúa Jacquet , Universidad Americana. Asunción, Paraguay

Doctor in Administration, Master in Education and Master in Administration and Financial Management.

Dean of the School of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Universidad Americana. Teacher and researcher in business and commerce, evaluator of quality in Higher Education.


Gabriel González Varela, Universidad Americana. Asunción, Paraguay

Student of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at Universidad Americana.


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How to Cite

Paredes Romero, J. A., Arrúa Jacquet , K. A., & González Varela, G. (2023). Situation of FONAMYPE and its potential as an instrument for Paraguay’s development. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 10(2), 221–234. Retrieved from



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