Improvement Technological Innovation processes in Paraguayan companies: Case of the DETIEC Program




Innovation, Patents, Research and Experimental Development, Technological Innovation, Innovation Programs, Innovation System


This research analyzes the level of satisfaction of public financing programs for the strengthening of Technological Innovation processes in Paraguayan companies: Case of the DETIEC Program (Technological Development, Innovation and Conformity) Assessment of Council National Science and Technology (CONACYT). This study is descriptive and not experimental, a mixed methodology has been used, which combines a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Likert scale surveys have been used, as well as questionnaire guides for the interview with technicians from the DETIEC program, where among the most important results it has been observed that the beneficiary companies have been able to train their Human Capital, as well as link up with foreign companies. and improve its production on the other hand, among the weaknesses, the lack of trained collaborators to submit proposals to government entities to compete for public funds stands out.


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How to Cite

Alderete Troche, N. E., & Mónico Bordino, A. (2024). Improvement Technological Innovation processes in Paraguayan companies: Case of the DETIEC Program. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 11(2), 192–200.



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