Faith-based marketing: Connection between religion and business



Faith-based marketing, religion, psychology of religion, religious consumer behavior


Throughout his existence, the human has always had the need to believe in the existence of an entity superior to him, giving rise to religion. The definition of that has evolved and over time, has aroused the interest of various organizations willing to meet the demands of consumers (called faithful people), leading to the influence of religion in marketing, which dates back to the end of the 18th century. This situation has led to the emergence of faith-based marketing, as an aspect of marketing focused on the commercialization of goods and services of a religious nature, responding the needs of this type of consumer. For this review article, an exhaustive bibliographic search was carried out with the purpose of developing a theoretical framework about faith-based marketing through the development of its most relevant concepts; in addition, it was possible to detect the scarcity of information on this subject in Spanish. It was concluded that religion plays a very important role in the consumer behavior of the 21st century, shaping global markets.


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How to Cite

Salas-Canales, H. J. (2021). Faith-based marketing: Connection between religion and business. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 101–108. Retrieved from