Adaptation and validation of the RED-tecnoestrés scale in argentine university student population



Techno-stress; university students; conceptual and metric adaptation


The purpose of this study was to carry out an adaptation and validation of the RED-Technostress scale in a population of Argentinian students. A sample of 1956 university students with an average age of 24.69 (SD = 6.52, Min = 18, Max = 66) was used. 78.2% (n = 1295) were women, 21% (n = 433) were men, and 0.8% preferred not to indicate. In relation to the criteria established under expert judgment, adequate percentage values were obtained in the items, as well as Aiken V coefficients in all cases. The exploratory factor analysis explained 61.43% of the variance in the scores and determined the grouping of 22 items in 5 latent variables. The factorial solution yielded values deemed adequate, equal to .91 for the Kaiser Meyer Olkin index (KMO) and for the Bartlett Sphericity Test (χ² = 555.84; SD = 0.21; p <.000). The confirmatory factor analysis indicated a good fit of the five-factor model in the sample of Argentinian university students: χ2 = 4799.571., P <.000; CFI = .964; IFI = .954; RMSEA = .050 90% CI [.046, .054], p <.001. In addition, the regression coefficients for each element showed acceptable internal consistency indices for all sub-dimensions (fatigue, α ordinal = .93 and ω ordinal = .95; anxiety, α ordinal = .87 and ω ordinal = .90; α ordinal addiction = .76 and ω ordinal =. 84; and inefficiency α ordinal = .90 and ω ordinal = .91).

As a conclusion, the inventory is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate techno-stress in the population of Argentinian university students.


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How to Cite

Eidman, L., & Basualdo Felleau , S. E. (2021). Adaptation and validation of the RED-tecnoestrés scale in argentine university student population. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(2), 178–188. Retrieved from



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