The influence of educational innovation using PBL methodologies in the institutional culture of the postgraduate programs of three Paraguayan universities



Pedagogical innovation, PBL learning strategies, management of educational change, postgraduate university degrees, multiple case studies


This multiple case study describes how the institutional and personal culture of the actors involved in the processes and dimensions of educational innovation influence the incorporation of Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning strategies, in 3 Paraguayan universities during the period 2017 to 2020. The dimensions studied are: Origin of innovations, People's leadership, Phases and strategies of the process, Values ​​of those involved, Resistance and obstacles to change, Impact and Financing of the innovation process; and the emerging cultural systemic from the pedagogical perspective. The referential framework has been built from the concepts of Hargreaves, Fullan, Ausubel, Vygotsky, Carbonell and others. The multiple case study method has been used, according to the guidelines established by Robert Yin and Robert Stake. The results indicate that organizational culture is a great conditioning factor of innovation processes, that some teachers are the origin and leaders of change processes, with great commitment and overcoming institutional resistance, students, managers and the teachers Council. It is concluded that the institutions do not consider innovation as a strategic asset, acting reactively to changes and that the institutional culture does not provide the right environment for the implementation of innovations, which is why they are emerging and endogenous. It is recommended that institutions incorporate innovation processes into strategic, development and improvement plans, also generating internal and permanent spaces for training and support for innovation.


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How to Cite

Pérez, O. (2022). The influence of educational innovation using PBL methodologies in the institutional culture of the postgraduate programs of three Paraguayan universities. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 9(1), 23–37. Retrieved from