Analysis of the academic offer and graduation of ICT careers in higher education in Paraguay, based on the study of open data


  • Hector Ramiro Estigarribia Barreto Universidad Nacional de Caaguazú, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología. Coronel Oviedo, Paraguay



Information technology, higher education, open data, Paraguay, Academic title.


Professionals in careers related to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are among the most in demand worldwide, but various media and studies have reported that the demand for them far exceeds the current supply. Paraguay does not escape this reality, so this paper seeks to analyze the academic offer of this type of career and the number of graduates who graduate from them through the quantitative analysis of open data provided by the Ministry of Education and Sciences. For this purpose, the Excel tool was used, importing the source data in csv format and using mainly dynamic tables and some functions described in the work. It is observed that both the academic offer and the percentage of graduates of the total are very low, in both cases not exceeding 2% of the total, data that coincides with the few previous studies on the subject. However, some aspects that affect this result are mentioned in the work, specifically referring to the cleaning and standardization of the data used for the study.


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How to Cite

Estigarribia Barreto, H. R. (2024). Analysis of the academic offer and graduation of ICT careers in higher education in Paraguay, based on the study of open data. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 11(2), 201–208.



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