Analysis of microenterprise managers’ administrative needs in Paraguay



microenterprise, administrative management, management system


Micro, small and medium enterprises have acquired an important relevance in the economic development of countries, as well as in the generation of jobs and income for individuals. The purpose of this study is to determine the administrative needs that owners and managers of microenterprises have in order to improve their business management performance. This study was conducted using mixed methods with a qual-quan sequential exploratory design and a case study approach. The data have been analyzed using descriptive statistics, divided into four different categories and seventeen sub-categories. As a result, thirteen specific needs related to the administrative management of the participating microenterprises have been identified. These results were used as the basis for the design and modeling of a tailor-made management information system.


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How to Cite

Ferrer Dávalos, R. M. (2021). Analysis of microenterprise managers’ administrative needs in Paraguay. ACADEMO Revista De Investigación En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 1–14. Retrieved from



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