Perception of students from a private university in Asunción regarding security measures implemented in a case of Shooting threat
security measures, university, shootingAbstract
The general objective of the study is to determine the perception of students at a private university in Asunción regarding the security measures implemented in a specific case of a shooting threat, 2023. The approach of the study is quantitative, with a cross-sectional, non-experimental design. and descriptive scope. The population considered for the study was made up of 8089 students, determining a sample of 385 people. The response rate was 99.7% (384). The inclusion criteria considered were being active and enrolled in the in-person modality, taking in-person classes at the headquarters, and agreeing to complete the survey. The survey was used as data collection through a 12-question questionnaire designed with Google Forms. The most relevant results were: 41.9% strongly agree that their belongings are searched upon entry to the institution and 39.3% strongly agree with the security mechanisms implemented by the university. Other opinions on security measures to prevent and respond to a shooting threat are: use of manual metal detectors, increased presence of security guards, proposing to the administration to address mental health in the curriculum, enabling a stop button panic, emergency drills and X-rays for bags and backpacks. It is concluded that the student body is satisfied with the two dimensions analyzed: institutional security in the face of danger and identification, satisfaction and feeling of security on the part of the student.
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